Enhancing Emotional Wellbeing in Late Life - Practical Strategies
Learn step-by-step easy to implement strategies to transform your interactions with clients from the one filled with sadness and grief to hope and purpose in their twilight years.
ACN and ACWA endorsed activity (6 CPD hours)
Available online now, self-paced enrolment, and on-site group booking (up to 24 participants) for home and aged care providers based in NSW.
Do you find that many of your clients are isolated, disengaged and withdrawn?
Isolation is a serious problem affecting many older adults throughout the world. With changes in their health status, support needs and the environment many struggle to adjust and may experience emotional changes which could lead to developing a mental health condition.
Depression is not a normal part of ageing, but it can be cured.
Disengaged and withdrawn older adults can be difficult to support, as you may feel that no matter what you suggest they are not interested. Our approach to care needs to change from focusing on support needs to identifying strengths.


This workshop equips you with the knowledge you need to provide emotionally aware care to your elderly clients.
You could be working as a carer, care supervisor or team leader, enrolled nurse, registered nurse, allied health professional, chaplain or a volunteer.
Delivered online with the endorsement from the Australian College of Nursing (ACN) and the Australian Community Workers Association (ACWA), this 6-hour workshop will help you understand the prevalence of mental health conditions in late life, the factors associated with emotional changes and practical strategies how to support clients whose physical health is compromised.
Here is the breakdown
( a look at the course content)
Module 1
Dig deep into emotional wellbeing and the common mental health conditions experienced by older adults. We differentiate between stress and anxiety, and a bad day and depression.
Module 2
Learn how to help an older person identify their own unique strengths. This is a foundation module for goal setting which is explored in further modules.
Module 3
You are never too old to dream another dream or set a new goal.
Explore how to help elders establish social goals and learn the necessary
steps to effective goal setting.
Module 4
Discover practical activities that will boost resilience in older people
in aged care, and review the most popular evidence-based options.
Module 5
To provide the best support and care, we cannot work in isolation.
We cover integrated collaboration and discuss how we can engage the key
parties, as well as ensuring we practise regular self-care.
You’ll also have access to templates, handouts and exercises you
can use with your clients, and access to all modules via the online portal any
time for the life of the course.

Meet your Instructor
From early in my career, I knew I wanted to work with older adults to improve their wellbeing in late life. However, a decade ago when I searched for a role as an ‘aged care psychologist’ I was shocked to discover not a single job listing! That’s when I founded Wise Care and began practising on my own.
For five years, I travelled to aged care homes and facilities to provide treatment and face-to-face intervention for the elderly – and I kept hearing the same thing from my patients:
‘I’m not getting the right emotional support from my caregivers.’
I felt compelled to do something to change this. To empower aged care workers and residents with the tools and strategies needed to feel positive and connected, instead of isolated and unheard. So, I returned to university and completed my PhD in Emotional and Psychological Wellbeing in Home Care Workers and have evolved from there to become an aged care psychology consultant.
Over the past ten years, I’ve seen the prevalence of depression in aged care residents sharply rise. What was once an alarming statistic has now grown to become a mental health crisis. But sadly, issues like isolation, anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts among older people remain a blind spot that is rarely acknowledged or discussed.
I work with some of the most recognised aged care organisations, and deliver training and support to thousands of aged care workers, allied health professionals, and families across Australia to help their loved ones make a smooth transition into aged care.
I believe that with the right strategies and skills, together, we can shape a better future for everyone in aged care.
Psychology Board of Australia – Full Registration
Board Approved Psychology Supervisor
2013; 2014 Winner of the Positive Living in Aged Care Award
2019 Nominated for the Allied Health Impact Achievement Award for my work in supporting residents, teaching staff and families on how to boost wellbeing for the elderly.
Here’s Why You'll Enjoy This Training:

Reason 1
We use case studies throughout the modules to make learning relevant to your workplace.

Reason 2
The language used is simple, relevant and practical and translated from complex research.

Reason 3
Access to resources, templates and handouts - this will help you translate the teachings from this workshop to your workplace.

Reason 4
You can return to the online portal any time. If you want to revisit a module, download the resources you can do it whenever you like.
Linda Stewart
"This course has been so full of useful and practical information for me personally to apply to my work in aged care. A clients emotional wellbeing is an area that is often overshadowed by their more urgent physical needs. You have provided an excellent resource to meeting the clients needs in a holistic way.Thankyou Julie. This course has been so full of useful and practical information for me personally to apply to my work in aged care. A clients emotional wellbeing is an area that is often overshadowed by their more urgent physical needs. You have provided an excellent resource to meeting the clients needs in a holistic way."
Jodie Hepworth
"Thank you for a very in-depth and valuable course that is beneficial for working in aged care. I know find myself with every interaction with the older person focusing on their strengths and reminding them of their strengths rather than them focusing on what they can no longer do. I now look at things differently, which is wonderful."
Debbie Kennedy
"Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with me/us. I appreciate it and can't wait to use the strengths that I have gained from this workshop. Its given me more confidence to approach difficult circumstances that arise regularly. I use relaxation music and diversionary methods to settle my residents and with the knowledge that I now have, I can introduce new ways to better provide support for my residents."

Frequently Asked Questions
I work in the community, is this workshop relevant to me or just for those who work in residential care?
Do you have to complete the full 6 hours at one time or can you go back to finish this workshop at another day?
I am interested in the "Enhancing Emotional Wellbeing in Late Life - Practical Strategies" workshop but am wondering if this is a webinar, face to face or online (e-learning)?
I am enrolled in the program but do not know my password or how to use the online platform.
There is no information about the dates of this course, the method of delivery, the duration of the course, the minimum software requirements, or the time commitment required. Please provide before I can make a decision.
Can I get a certificate for completing this training?
I would like to share some information about this workshop at my workplace can I get the info that the course will be covering in a printed format?
I want to book a training for my team?
2022 Refresher
ADD ON workshop offering 2 hrs of key learnings from the foundation course + NEW strategies to support clients during the pandemic. Special introduction rate = both workshops for $297 inclusive of GST (save $49)
Get It Now